ISO 30405:2016 Human Resource management – Guidelines on Recruitment training is intended as a comprehensive guide on how to attract, source, assess and recruit people. It focuses on critical processes and practices, including recruitment policy development, the flow from the sourcing of potential applicants to the boarding of recruits, evaluation, and measurement.
Recruitment is a significant part of human resource management, including the necessary activities an organization undertakes to attract, source, assess and employ people. The actions that comprise recruitment also overlap, to some degree, with those that include staffing, but the prime focus of this document is on recruitment.
This ISO 30405 aims to help organizations focus and deliver on recruitment performance objectives by providing guidance on efficient processes and procedures necessary for the recruitment of people.
ISO 30405 can be used by anyone involved in staff recruitment, regardless of if they are HR professionals.
Human Resources Management Standards Improve the Bottom Line.
In larger organizations, the recruitment function is typically carried out by human resource professionals or recruitment experts. In smaller organizations, recruitment can be performed by people without formal human resource training or experience.
This program ISO 30405:2016 Human Resource management-guidelines on recruitment can be used by anyone performing this function, as well as human resource educators and consultants who determine, analyze and report on recruitment.
ISO 30405:2016 Human Resource management-guidelines on recruitment provides the following:
*Guidance to those people responsible for recruiting.
*Describes both processes and procedures, as well as the relevant criteria one can use to attract, source, assess and employ people in the organization.
*Provides guidelines for measurement, analysis, and improvement for assessing the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of the recruiting process.
Participants who fully attend this course and complete the test on the last day will receive a Strategic Axis Professional Certificate (SAPC). SAPC certificates are regionally recognized and can be quite valuable when applying for more senior roles within the organization or outside.
Terms & Definitions
Terms & Definitions
Module 2: Recruitment Guidelines
Potential Talent Pool
Identify and/or confirm characteristics of vacancy or opening
Create recruitment Plan
Internal Talent Pool
External Talent Pool
Tools to assist in recruitment flow
Applicant Pool
Candidate for further assessment
Candidate management
Module 3: Measurement, analysis and improvement
Measurement process
Analysis Result