Control, Modeling, Simulation of Mechanical Systems Training – Be able to develop programs ranging from Distributed Interactive Simulation to Discrete Event Simulation, analyzing complex engineering systems and subsystems.
Discover a full range of engineering analysis, testing, and measurement tools. In addition to the evaluation of systems, advanced techniques in Modeling and Simulation (M&S) are incorporated as a useful cost-saving testbed and training environment.
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Discover a full range of engineering analysis, testing, and measurement tools. In addition to the evaluation of systems, advanced techniques in Modeling and Simulation (M&S) are incorporated as a useful cost-saving testbed and training environment.
Students will receive Strategic Axis professional certificate.
Physics-based M&S of mechanical, electrical, and mixed dynamical systems or complex subsystems, biomechanics-based M&S for human factors and ergonomics engineering applications, and immersive and high-fidelity virtual reality environment including visual and audio cueing.
Physics-based M&S of mechanical, electrical, and mixed dynamical systems or complex subsystems, biomechanics-based M&S for human factors and ergonomics engineering applications, and immersive and high-fidelity virtual reality environment including visual and audio cueing.
Module 2: Test, Evaluation & Demonstration
System performance metrics to evaluate system solutions performance in the context of effectiveness, operational, suitability, and survivability providing support to Milestones Decisions. Typical T&E methods include engineering analyses, Measure of Effectiveness (MOE), Measure of Suitability (MOS), Scaled-Model tests, Full-Scale tests, and Hardware Inspection.
Module 3: Hydrodynamics
Seakeeping analyses specializing in interactions of multiple vessels operating in close proximity; high-fidelity predictions of wave-induced motions; and computational fluid dynamics of hullforms and superstructures.
Module 4: Structural Dynamics
Finite element based linear and non-linear static and dynamic analysis of metals and composites; fatigue and fracture analysis; structural optimization; and structural health monitoring.
Module 5: Mechanism Dynamics
Dynamic analysis, control, and optimization of complex multibody systems, such as a shipboard pedestal crane dynamical system, which includes crane machinery, hydraulic winch and drive systems, cable dynamics, sensor dynamics, collision dynamics, and ship motions.